What is it?
basicbots is a programming game where you write a program in BASIC and have it compete against other robots.
- Endgame fixed.
- Teams is working!
- demo and docs coming soon!
Player Documentation
- BASICBOT - Not complete.
- BASIC Commands - Quick notes, not complete.
Example bots (most complex so far)
- Free for all
- Teams
Example match results
./basicbots -m 311 robots/blaster.bas robots/corner-runner.bas robots/rook.bas robots/nexus.bas
blaster.bas w:00294 t:00001 l:00016 p:00883
corner-runner.bas w:00005 t:00002 l:00304 p:00017
rook.bas w:00009 t:00000 l:00302 p:00027
nexus.bas w:00001 t:00001 l:00309 p:00004
blaster.bas is out preforming my expections.
Teams with simple robots.
Match with teams
./basicbots -t -m 111 testbots/shooter.bas testbots/teamtest.bas testbots/shooter.bas testbots/teamtest.bas
shooter.bas w:00052 t:00002 l:00057 p:00156
teamtest.bas w:00052 t:00001 l:00057 p:00131
shooter.bas w:00057 t:00001 l:00052 p:00172
teamtest.bas w:00057 t:00002 l:00052 p:00143
Team1 w:00104 t:00003 l:00114 p:00287
Team2 w:00114 t:00003 l:00104 p:00315
Play Testers
- Even if you don’t know BASIC it’s easy to learn. There are resources on the internet about programming in BASIC, look for the really old ones. I and as time goes on, others will be more than happy to help out.
- Documentation
- Programming
- Bug fixes
- Features
- Enhancements
- Commenting
Who am I?
I am an old-school type of guy. I enjoy games from a time when graphics wasn’t the main focus of a game and when you died, you had to start over.
I can be reached via email or on Twitter as misterunix.